
True-Shape Nesting with ProCut automations


With Arizona Xpert Engine 2.1, you can to nest complex multi-layer applications with ProCut Prepress benefitting of its true shape nesting capabilities. This helps customers reduce waste and increase productivity.

Manual nesting workflow

You can nest the same job multiple times or multiple jobs using the same recipe. The recipe will be restored when the nested job comes back from the ProCut software into the Arizona Xpert Engine.

Auto nesting workflow

It is possible to set up an automated workflow. The user can drop a file in a hot folder and end-up with a true-shape nested ProCut job with an Arizona Xpert recipe applied on it in ONYX Thrive and ultimately on the Arizona printer. A hot folder can be configured to automatically submit jobs to ProCut.

The nested jobs that come back from ProCut into the Arizona Xpert Engine and can be configured to be automatically submitted to ONYX Thrive.