
Empty the Waste Ink Tray


The waste ink tray is located below the ink spit tray. It accumulates waste ink from printhead spitting, and from the AMS.

About this task

Empty the waste tray weekly. The capacity of the waste tray is approximately 1.5 liters.

Equipment needed

  • Safety glasses with side shields

  • Gloves (for example: Ansell Microflex 93-260)

  • Foam Tipped Swab (3010118211) or Cloth-Poly Wipe 10cm x 10cm (lint-free)

  • An empty semi-transparent 1.5 liter plastic container

  • A plastic tub that can hold the 1.5 liter container and catch any ink spilled during draining

  • A plastic funnel


Wear gloves when contact with ink or maintenance materials is possible. Gloves should always overlap sleeves. Follow the ink related Safety Data Sheets (SDS) guidelines carefully in order to ensure maximum safety. For example use Ansell Microflex 93-260 gloves, which offer a protection against UV inks and flush up to one hour. Pollution with other chemicals can shorten the protection time against UV inks and flush.

Wear eye protection as prescribed in this document when performing a task or action in this area.


UV inks and flush liquids can be harmful if not properly handled. Follow always the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) guidelines carefully in order to ensure maximum safety.


  1. Put the plastic tub on the floor to catch any drips while the tray is emptied.
  2. Place a suitable empty container that holds at least 1.5 liters into the tub. Insert a funnel.
  3. Rotate the waste valve knob counter-clockwise until the white line is vertical to start the flow of waste ink.
  4. Shut off the valve when ink no longer drains out (or if the container becomes full). Use a piece of cloth or paper towel to wipe the valve clean.

    If ink has dried in the waste valve from previous draining, it may be necessary to carefully use a significant amount of force to open the valve.

  5. Use a swab to thoroughly clean the inside of the valve tip. Any ink not removed from the valve can drip out later when the printer is in motion.
  6. Dispose of the waste material in a suitable, environmentally-friendly manner, following all local laws and regulations.