

The JOB command informs the printer of the start of a PJL job and synchronises the job and page status information.

Furthermore, the JOB command is used to specify which pages of a job are to be printed. The JOB and EOJ commands are used for spooling and related applications to monitor printing status, job name, print portions of a job, or to mark job boundaries to keep the printer from treating a single print job as multiple jobs (for example, when printing a job with a banner page).


@PJL JOB [NAME="job name"] [START=firstpage] [END=lastpage] [Password=numb] [Offset="attribute"]


Response syntax



Functional range


NAME="job name"

ASCII 33 - 255,<SP>,<HT>

Not applicable.






entire job

  • NAME="job name"

    The command option NAME tags the print job with a job name. The variable "job name" can be any combination of printable characters and spaces or horizontal tab characters, with a maximum of 80 significant characters. The "job name" variable is a string and must be enclosed in double quotes.

  • START=firstpage

    The command option START is used to provide a non-printing mode for skipping to a selected portion of the job. It indicates the first page to be printed. If the START option is omitted, the printer starts printing at the beginning of the job. If the end of the job comes before the START page, no pages are printed.

  • END=lastpage

    The command option END indicates the page number of the last page to be printed. The "lastpage" variable is relative to page 1 of the print job. If the END variable is omitted, the printer prints to the end of the job. If the end of job is encountered before the END page, printing will be terminated. Additionally, if the START page is greater than the END page, no pages are printed.

  • PASSWORD=number


  • OFFSET="attribute"



Page range printing (START and END options) is only supported by the PCL5 PDL.