
Import a CA-signed certificate

To ensure a fully trusted authentication via HTTPS, 802.1X or IPsec, you can request and import a certificate delivered by a Certification Authority (CA-signed certificate).

When you import the certificate you need to:

  • Import the root certificate

  • Import the intermediate certificate

  • Import a CA-signed certificate

  • Check and import the root certificate

Complete all procedures to successfully import the certificate.


  1. Open WebTools Express
  2. Open the [Security] - [Printer certificates] tab.
  3. Click on [Import CA-signed certificate]. A window opens.
  4. Select [CA-signed certificate] in Certificate type.
  5. Select 'Yes' to validate the certificate against Java root certificates and click 'Open'.
  6. When the message [Certificate successfully imported.] pops up, restart the controller.

    The certificate is now installed on the server.

    Check and import (if needed) the CA Root certificate also into the workstations web browser. That will secure the complete data workflow between the workstations and the server.