
Import a CA-signed certificate: Import the intermediate certificate

To ensure a fully trusted authentication via HTTPS, 802.1X or IPsec, you can request and import a certificate delivered by a Certification Authority (CA-signed certificate).

When you import the certificate you need to:

  • Import the root certificate

  • Import the intermediate certificate

  • Import a CA-signed certificate

  • Check and import the root certificate

Complete all procedures to successfully import the certificate.


  1. Open WebTools Express
  2. Open the [Security] - [Printer certificates] tab.
  3. Click on [Import CA-signed certificate]. A window opens.
  4. Select [Intermediate certificate] in Certificate type.
  5. Browse to the Intermediate certificate file and click on Open.
  6. When the message [Certificate successfully imported.] opens, go back to the main page to import the [CA-signed certificate]