
Combine Jobs in a DocBox (Build Function)


You can combine a job in a DocBox with other jobs from the same DocBox. The system creates a new job from the selected jobs. The icon indicates a built job.


You cannot combine PDF jobs with non-PDF jobs.


Properties of a build job


  1. Go to the DocBox that contains the jobs you want to combine.
  2. Touch the jobs you want to combine, or use an option from the [Select] menu to select multiple jobs at once.
  3. Touch the [Build] button or select [Build] from the drop-down menu.

    A [Create build] window appears that allows you to make some changes.

  4. If necessary, use the [Up] and [Down] buttons to change the job order.
  5. If necessary, change the generic job settings, such as [Number of sets].
  6. Touch [OK].

    The job is in the list.

    Build job