
Media messages (PCL)


The media catalogue:

  • Contains a list of predefined media and their settings.

  • Is an essential part of the system behaviour of the varioPRINT 6000 series.

  • Helps you to print your jobs more easily while using the correct media.

Response to media messages

For transaction printing, the content of the paper trays (in terms of media from the media catalogue) is translated into a format that the controller understands. However, the controller receives only a limited amount of information (name or size of the media). This can lead to a miscommunication where the controller misses a required media. Then the controller will ask for the required media via a message on the control panel. This [Media message] indicates the name or size of the missing media.

Your response to the [Media message] depends on the mode in which the printer works, either:

  • The tray-to-tray mode, or

  • The tray-to-media mode.