
Edit a transaction setup


  1. Select [Transaction printing] -> [Transaction setups].
  2. Tick the checkbox of the setup you want to edit.
  3. If required, click the [Edit] button to change the name or description of the setup, then click [OK].
  4. Click [Open] to allow changes to the setup.
  5. Depending on the type of setup you want to change, click [IPDS transaction setup] or [PCL transaction setup].

    PCL is not available for all products. If you only have one license, the other PDL is not available.

    You can change the settings:

    • By group (click the pencil at the right-hand side of the group settings).

    • By item (click the pencil behind the individual settings).

    After you changed the settings of a transaction setup, you must load the transaction setup to make the setup changes active (see Activate a Transaction Setup).