
Introduction to the transaction section



Transaction printing requires a licence. The [System] view on the control panel displays the [Transaction] section only when transaction printing is licensed.

Transaction printing enables you to print typical transactional documents like invoices, salary slips or other variable data streams. Before you can start transaction jobs, you must first activate the transaction mode via the control panel. The [Transaction] section contains the settings that you need to use transaction printing. There you can also shift the image in case of a misalignment.

Below, the following information is described.

  • An overview of the items in the [Transaction] section on the control panel.

  • The sequence of steps you must perform to print your transaction jobs.

Overview of the [Transaction] section

Overview of the [Transaction] section

The items of the [Transaction] section

Table 1. Description of the [Transaction] section






For transaction printing, the dashboard displays the following information.

  • The connection state

  • The IP address of the host that sends the jobs

  • The name of the active transaction job

  • The progress of the active transaction job


[Status transaction printing]

The [Status transaction printing] section gives access to the following functions.

  • Turn the transaction printing mode on or off

  • Select the setup for the transaction jobs

    You can define setups in the Settings Editor ([Transaction printing] -> [Transaction setups] ).

  • Put the printer online or offline. The printer must be online for the host to be able to connect to the printer.


[Active PDL]

Display the active printer description language (read-only).

You can change the active PDL in the Settings Editor ([Transaction printing] -> [Settings] -> [Requested PDL] ).

When the requested active PDL is changed, the new PDL becomes effective when you put the printer online.


[Image shift]

Display and change the active image shift settings, for example when the images on the front and back of a sheet are not aligned correctly.

Sequence of steps to print transaction jobs

The following table describes the sequence of steps for transaction printing. Make sure that the list of [Scheduled jobs] is empty before you begin.


Actions on the printer

Actions on the host



Switch the printer into the transaction printing mode.

Via the control panel: [System] -> [Transaction] -> [Transaction printing mode] -> [On].


Select the active setup that you need.

  • Via the control panel: [System] -> [Transaction] -> [Active transaction setup], or

  • Via the Settings Editor: [Transaction printing] -> [Transaction setups], or

  • By the host via the data stream (when the printer is online and connected).


Change the active PDL when currently the wrong PDL is active. This is only possible when you have licences for more than one PDL.

Via the Settings Editor: [Transaction printing] -> [Transaction setups] -> [Requested PDL].


Load the required media into the paper trays.

Only required when the active setup has set the tray mode to tray to tray.


Put the printer online.

  • Via the control panel: [System] -> [Transaction] -> [Transaction printing online] -> [On], or

  • Via the Settings Editor: [Transaction printing] -> [Settings] -> [Bring transaction printing online or offline].


Connect to the printer.


Submit the transaction print jobs.


Print the transaction print jobs.

You must perform all the regular activities, for example load the media, empty the output locations, add the supplies and solve errors.


Put the printer off line when the transaction print jobs are ready.

  • Via the control panel: [System] -> [Transaction] -> [Transaction printing online] -> [Off], or

  • Via the Settings Editor: [Transaction printing] -> [Settings] -> [Bring transaction printing online or offline].


Switch the printer back to the document printing mode.

  • Via the control panel: [System] -> [Transaction] -> [Transaction printing mode] -> [Off].