
Change the stacking method per job


The [Offset stacking] function creates a visible distinction between sets or jobs in an output location. The active workflow profile or the active automated workflow determines the default type of offset stacking.

You can only change the type of [Offset stacking] per job when the [Offset stacking] setting of the active [Workflow profile] is set to [As in job].


You cannot change this setting for the active print job .


  1. NOTE

    Remember that you can only change the stacking method per job when the active [Workflow profile] is set to [As in job].

    On the control panel, touch [Jobs] -> [Queues] -> [Scheduled jobs] or [Waiting jobs], or select a DocBox.
  2. Touch the job you want to change.
  3. Touch [Edit], or double-tap the job to open the [Edit] window.
  4. Touch the [Print delivery] button.
  5. Touch the [Offset stacking] button to toggle between [On] and [Off].
  6. Touch [OK].