
Shift the image roughly to create binding space


If you want to create space for staples or punch holes, for example, you can use the [Align] function. The preview in the right-hand pane of the control panel displays the consequences of your changes.

The [Align] function allows a rough image shift. You can select one of the following settings:

Table 1. [Align] values

When you select:

Then the image is moved to:

[Top left]

The upper left corner of the sheet.

[Top centre]

The upper centre of the sheet.

[Top right]

The upper right corner of the sheet.

[Centre left]

The left-hand side of the sheet, over the centre line.


The middle of the sheet.

[Centre right]

The right-hand side of the sheet, over the centre line.

[Bottom left]

The lower left corner of the sheet.

[Bottom centre]

The lower centre of the sheet.

[Bottom right]

The lower right corner of the sheet.


You cannot change this setting for the active print job .


  1. On the control panel, touch [Jobs] -> [Queues] -> [Scheduled jobs] or [Waiting jobs], or select a DocBox.
  2. Touch the job you want to change.
  3. Touch [Edit], or double-tap the job to open the [Edit] window.
  4. Touch the [Align] button.
  5. Make the required changes.
  6. Touch [OK].