
Select another media for a job


If you want to print a job on other media than originally defined for that job, you can select a different media via the operator panel. Requirements regarding the new media:

  • The media must be available in the media catalogue.

  • The media must have the same size as the original media.


You cannot change this setting for the active print job .


  1. On the control panel, touch [Jobs] -> [Queues] -> [Scheduled jobs] or [Waiting jobs], or select a DocBox.
  2. Touch the job you want to change.
  3. Touch [Edit], or double-tap the job to open the [Edit] window.
  4. In the preview pane at the right-hand side, touch the media you want to change.

    When more than one media was defined for a job, the preview pane displays a separate button for each media.

  5. From the list, select the new media.
  6. Touch [OK].