
Make a proof

When you make a proof, the print system prints one set or record of the job. A proof print does not affect the number of sets when you print the complete job.

The proof function is available in the following locations:

  • List of waiting jobs

  • A DocBox

When you give the [Proof] command, a copy of the job goes to the last position of the list of scheduled jobs. The original job remains in the list of waiting jobs or in the DocBox. You must first move a printed job to the list of waiting jobs, before you make a proof.

The magnifying glass icon indicates a proof print.

The [Proof] button


  1. Touch [Jobs].
  2. Go to the location of the job.
  3. Select the jobs you want to proof, or use an option from the [Select] menu to select multiple jobs together.
  4. Touch [Proof].