
Select more than one job for printing


The table below describes the possibilities to select more than one job for printing.

Table 1. Select more jobs



Select two or more jobs manually

Touch the jobs you want to print one by one.

[Select] button - [All]

All jobs in the list of [Waiting jobs] are printed. The order in the list of [Waiting jobs] determines the print order. However, in the list of [Scheduled jobs] you can give priority to a job.

[Select] button - [Jobs with loaded media]

All jobs for which the required media are currently available in the paper trays, will be printed. This improves the productivity, because you must not change the required media during printing. You may only need to add more of the currently available media types.

[Select] button - [Job label]

A label is a name or tag that helps you to identify certain jobs on the control panel. When a job is sent to the printer, the person who submits the job can add a label to that job. The label can be any name that helps to identify certain jobs. The label can be defined in the printer driver, in a job ticket or via an automated workflow. When the label in the printer driver is identical to a defined automated workflow, then the print job will be printed with the settings of this automated workflow. For example, the label ‘Customer XYZ’ can be added to jobs. Then you can select and print all the jobs for 'Customer XYZ' at once.

[Select] button - [Invert selection]

Invert the current selection.


  1. On the control panel, touch [Jobs] -> [Queues].
  2. If collapsed, first touch to expand the list of [Waiting jobs], or go to a DocBox.
  3. Touch the jobs you want to print one by one, or make a selection using the [Select] button.

    The selected jobs are highlighted.

  4. Touch [Print].