
Print an Urgent Job Immediately


When a job must be printed urgently, you can give that print job priority over all other print jobs. The [Print now] button allows you to print a job immediately. When you use the [Print now] button, the active print job will be paused as soon as the current set is ready.

To print a job as soon as possible but not immediately, you can use the [Move to top] function.

Locations of the [Print now] Button

The [Print now] button is available at the following locations.

  • List of [Scheduled jobs].

  • DocBox (optional).


To give priority to a job in the list of [Waiting jobs], you must first touch [Print] to send the job to the list of [Scheduled jobs]. There you can select the job and touch [Print now].

To give priority to a job in the list of [Printed jobs], you must first reprint the job. The job is sent to the list of [Waiting jobs]. From there, you must send the job to the list of [Scheduled jobs]. There you can select the job and touch [Print now].


  1. On the control panel, touch [Jobs] -> [Queues].
  2. If collapsed, first touch to expand the list of [Scheduled jobs].
  3. Touch the job which you want to print immediately.
  4. Press [Print now].

    The urgent job appears at the top of the list of [Scheduled jobs].

    The active print job is paused as soon as the current set is ready and becomes second in the list.