
Configure the regional settings


The regional settings are configured during the installation of your printer. When you want to change the initial configuration, you can do this under the [Regional settings].

Define the regional settings for the printer in the following order:

  • [First language] and [Second language] of the user panel

  • [Measurement unit]

  • [Time zone]

    When you change the [Time zone] you must reboot the system first, before you set the [Current date and time].

  • [Current date and time]

  • [Time format]


Every time you change the [Measurement unit], the controller recalculates the values from millimeter to inches and vice versa. If you reverse to the original value of this setting a slight calculation difference can occur due to rounding differences.


  1. Open the [Preferences] - [System defaults] tab.
  2. Click on [Edit] in the [Regional settings] section, or click on the setting you want to edit, for example [First language].
  3. Modify the settings. You can choose between:
    • settings that are commonly used in the USA

    • or settings that are commonly used in the rest of the world.

  4. Click [Ok] to confirm, or [Cancel] to reject your entries.