
Remote Service



Remote Service requires a license. Remote Service also requires a permission to Canon or your printer dealer site outside the customer domain, either via a proxy server or via IP white list. Contact your local IT specialist to give you the permission.

Remote Service is an application that runs on a printer. Remote Service requires a working Internet connection to establish a secure connection between the customer's site and printer dealer. In case a proxy server is present, Remote Service must be configured correctly. Refer to the documentation of On Remote Service for the possibilities and use of this product.

Remote Service has the following functionality:



Remote Assistance

With this function, Canon or your printer dealer can take over the control panel of the printer remotely to assist in case of a problem for example.

Remote Diagnostics

When a customer contacts Canon or the printer dealer in case of a problem, Canon can automatically retrieve service-related data from the printer for analysis and troubleshooting. With these data, Canon or your printer dealer can quickly identify the source of the problem and possibly solve the problem via the telephone.

Remote Meter Reading

With this function, counter-information that is needed for billing can be automatically sent to Canon or the printer dealer on a regular basis. Then the customer does not need to collect the meter readings manually and send these to Canon or the printer dealer. The customer can always check the sent data and approve the meter readings.

Remote Software Upgrade

With this function, the customer can update the printer with the latest software. The software is only retrieved from Canon or the printer dealer when the customer wants this.

From release 3.2 onwards, the jobs on the system are not deleted after you upgraded the software.

Using Remote Service

  • In the Settings Editor, all settings for the customer's proxy server must be set correctly ([Configuration] -> [Connectivity] -> [Proxy server] ).

  • Via the control panel, the remote connection must be enabled ([System] -> [Setup] ->[System configuration] -> [Remote connection] -> [Remote connection enabled] -> [Yes] ).

  • Via the control panel, you can test the remote connection ([System] -> [Setup] ->[System configuration] -> [Remote connection] -> [Test remote connection] ).

    The test can take up to 30 seconds. When the connection is not OK, a message indicates the reason for the failure.

  • The dashboard of the control panel displays a red icon when the printer becomes disconnected from the Internet. Make sure the connection is online, because otherwise Canon or the printer dealer cannot retrieve data from your printer.

  • If required, you can change a number of connectivity settings via the control panel ([System] -> [Setup] ->[System configuration] -> [Connectivity] ).

  • You can verify the communication with Canon or the printer dealer by creating a log file via the Settings Editor.