
Enable or disable the e-shredding function


The e-shredding function allows you to securely erase jobs from the system. This prevents unauthorised people from recovering deleted jobs. When the e-shredding function is enabled, you can select an e-shredding algorithm. You can enable the e-shredding function in WebTools Express. By factory default, the e-shredding function is disabled.


For more details on these settings please consult the PlotWave-ColorWave Systems Security manual.


  1. Open the [Security] - [Configuration] tab.
  2. In the [E-shredding] section, click on the [E-shredding] setting.
  3. Select [Enabled] or [Disabled]. The setting is enabled when you check the box.

    When e-shredding is enabled, the system may require more time to process jobs.

  4. Click Ok to confirm.