
Change the password for authorized users or the password encryption key

About this task

For security reasons it is advised to periodically change the password of the three access modes (Key operator, System administrator, Power user) in WebTools Express.

[Password encryption key]

This key is used to securely encrypt all stored password on the device. Not knowing this key, it is impossible for a third party to decrypt any stored password. It is advised to change the system default password encryption key after the system is installed, re-installed or upgraded.

You can find this setting in the same section as the passwords.


Handle and store all passwords securely and with care. In case of forgotten passwords, a service technician can reset the Key operator, System administrator, Power user passwords only when his rights have been enabled by the System Administrator. ([Security] - [Configuration] - [Permissions for Service] - [Allow Service technician to reset passwords] - [Yes] ). Otherwise the machine has to be reinstalled.


  1. Open the [Configuration] - [Connectivity] tab.
  2. Under the [Passwords] section, select [Local Key Operator password], [Local System Administrator password], [Local Power User password], or [Password encryption key] depending on the setting you want to change. A new window opens.
  3. Log in as:
    • Key operator to change the key operator password. The default key operator password is KeyOp.

    • System administrator to change the system administrator password. The default system administrator password is SysAdm.

    • Power user to change all the passwords. The default power user password is PowUsr.

    • System administrator or Power user to change the password encryption key.


    The passwords and the password encryption key are case sensitive. You can only use characters from the following range:

    Option Description




    _ - ~ ! ? @ # $ % ^ * + = , . : ; / | [ ] ( ) { }

    You cannot use Chinese, Cyrillic or Japanese characters.

  4. Enter the new setting twice to confirm your input. The input is hidden.
  5. Click [Ok] to confirm, or [Cancel] to reject your entries.