
The Smart Inbox in the Jobs tab


In the Jobs tab you can create jobs or manage your jobs in the queue and the Smart Inbox.


When the [User authentication] setting is enabled, your rights and view on the Jobs tab can differ.

the jobs tab

Create a new job in the Publisher Express section.

When you want to submit a new job, click [Create new job]. A new window opens, here you can define some basic job settings and browse to the file you want to print.

Monitor jobs in the Queue section.

In the Job queue and Scan queue you get an overview of the jobs waiting to be printed, or scans waiting to be sent. The options listed at the top of the queue section allow you to move a selected job to the top of the queue, to delete a job, to retry sending a job, or to send a scanned job to a specific location. When you click [Delete all] all jobs are deleted from the queue.

Control your jobs in the Smart Inbox section.

You can create and open a Smart Inbox in the Smart Inbox section. For more information, see Create and open a Smart Inbox.

You can get an overview of all the Smart Inboxes on your system. Click on [Open Smart Inbox], click on the white space and select a Smart Inbox name from the list. The Smart Inbox appears below.

Perform actions on your jobs in the Smart Inbox. When you select a job in the Smart Inbox you can use the options listed at the top of the Smart Inbox section to print, edit, send to, save or delete the jobs.


Depending on the selected job the available actions can differ.

Get an overview of all jobs on the system. When you enable the [Preferences] - [System defaults] - [Job management] - [Display a view on all Smart Inbox jobs] setting, all jobs can be displayed in one overview.