
Configure the media request time-out


The user panel displays a message with a media request when the requested media is not available on the printer.

  • When the [Media request timeout] setting is disabled, the media request will be displayed on the user panel until it is resolved.

  • When the [Media request timeout] setting is enabled (default), you can enter a media request time-out value in seconds. When the media request is not resolved within the media request time-out period, the [Action after media request timeout] setting determines whether the printer either deletes the job from the Job queue or puts the job in attention state.


  1. Open the [Preferences] - [System defaults] tab.
  2. Click on [Edit] in the [Printer properties] section or click on the [Media request timeout] setting.
  3. When you enable the setting, you must enter a time period as well. If you choose to disable the setting, the time period will not be adjustable.
  4. Click on the [Action after media request timeout] setting.
  5. Select [Put the job on attention state] or [Delete the job].
  6. Click on [Ok] to confirm or [Cancel] to reject your entries.