

Booklets or Glue-binded books are requested when /Bind is set to 2 or 3. When /Bind is set to 0, binding is disabled.

One job can contain multiple booklets by using subsets. For multiple booklets, change /Bind to 0 first, then change /Bind to 2 or 3.

Binding options are provided using the BindDetails dictionary. Use the Trim parameter to enable trimming.

Booklet options

Booklets are requested when /Bind is set to 2 or 3 and the BindDetails dictionary contains /BindType (SaddleStitch).

In addition, the /OutputType must be set to (Auto) or to any tray which supports booklet finishing. Booklet generation implies multi half fold.

Booklet finishing options can be provided in /BindDetails. /BindDetails controls the finishing of the booklet, not the impositioning of images in order to generate a correct booklet. The impositioning of images must be done by the submitter or by an OJT or JDF request.

Glue binding

Glue-binding is requested when /Bind is set to 2 or 3 and the BindDetails dictionary contains /BindType (GlueBinding).

In addition, the /OutputType must be set to Auto or to any which tray supports glue-binding. The /BindDetails dictionary contains additional parameters that define how the binding should be performed.

Binding is done with a cover sheet that must be more than twice as large as the other document pages. This cover sheet is folded and glued around the other pages and optionally trimmed.

Right edge binding and bottom edge binding are implemented by rotating all pages 180 degrees.


BindDetails contains:


/Type 7

/BindType (SaddleStitch | GlueBinding)

/NumStaples integer

/StapleOrientation (horizontal | vertical)

/BindEdge string

/ReadingOrientation (portrait | landscape)



The parameters NumStaples and StapleOrientaion are only used for saddle stitched booklets and the BindingEdge is only for perfect binding books.

The supported parameters values are:








/StapleOrientation (vertical)

/ReadingOrientation (landscape)

Booklet containing portrait sheets (book binding)

/StapleOrientation (horizontal)

/ReadingOrientation (portrait)

Booklet containing landscape sheets (calendar binding)

NumStaples can be 0 or 2. 0 is equivalent to a normal multi page half fold, see Folding.






Relative to the /ReadingOrientation given in BindDetails

Possible values for ReadingOrientation are (portrait) or (landscape)




The supported Bind positions according to the ReadingOrientation are shown in the following figure: