
Scan job type specification


In PRISMAsync it is possible to scan-to-file, scan-to-email or scan-to-SMB with the scanner of the printer. You can select a suitable scan profile from a list of scan profiles in the user interface of the scanner. The scan profiles are gathered together in a small database called the scan job type file.

Before making a scan, a scan job type must be chosen from the user interface. Scan job types are shortcuts to scan settings. The scan job types are shown on the user interface as a pick list. To configure PRISMAsync with a new set of scan job types, you must download a comma separated value (CSV) file via the Settings Editor.

Definition of scan job type records

A scan job type record:

  • Is identified by a unique filename, which combines the scan output settings. The unique name explains the kind of scan job or the post processing application.

  • Is used to load the correct scan output settings for a specific type of scan job.

The unique filename and Tiff-tags can be used by an application to automatically execute actions on a received Tiff-file. This supports productivity with bulk scans.

You can define part of the unique filename by using scan job types. You cannot manually change the filename on the PRISMAsync.

The scan job type record consists of a mandatory headerline and at least one Scan Job Type. There is a maximum of 99 Scan Job Types. The headerline and all subsequent Scan Job Types are separated by the record separator <CR><LF>.

The syntax of the headerline is in plain text and shows which fields can be identified in the Scan Job Type lines. The fields are separated by a selectable field separator <fseparator>. <fseparator> can be a comma "," or a semi-colon ";".

<fseparator> ::= "," | ";". <fseparator> must use the same separator for the entire file.

The following fields are available:

<headerline> ::= "dispname"

<fseparator> "format"

<fseparator> "ilc"

<fseparator> "prefix"

<fseparator> "minnr"

<fseparator> "maxnr"

<fseparator> "name_nr_title"

<fseparator> "cfname"

{ <fseparator> "subfolder" } optional

{ <fseparator> "postfix" } optional

{ <fseparator> "OrigOrientation"} optional

{ <fseparator> "OrigDuplex" } optional

{ <fseparator> "OrigKind" } optional

{ <fseparator> "OrigZoom" } optional

{ <fseparator> "OrigFormat" } optional

{ <fseparator> "DestFormat" } optional

{ <fseparator> "x" } n optional

("x" and n: zero or more undefined fields)

The scan job type is a record that defines one Scan Job Type. The scan job type matches the syntax of the headerline:

<scanjobtypeline> ::= <dispname>

<fseparator> <fileformat>

<fseparator> <ilc>

<fseparator> <filenameprefix>

<fseparator> <minnr>

<fseparator> <maxnr>

<fseparator> <namenrdialoguetitle>

<fseparator> <conffilename>

{ <fseparator> <subfolder> } optional

{ <fseparator> <postfix> } optional

{ <fseparator> <OrigOrientation>} optional

{ <fseparator> <OrigDuplex> } optional

{ <fseparator> <OrigKind> } optional

{ <fseparator> <OrigZoom> } optional

{ <fseparator> <OrigFormat> } optional

{ <fseparator> <DestFormat> } optional

{ <fseparator> "x" } n optional

("x" and n: zero or more undefined fields)

Display name syntax

<dispname> ::= A user-defined alphanumeric string with a minimum of 1 character and a maximum of 40 characters. The following characters cannot be used: <CR>, <LF>, "," and ";".

The display name describes the scan job. The display name can help the user of the scan-function to specify a combined number of settings and/or the post processing application.

File format syntax

<fileformat> ::= "TIFF G31D_MH" | "TIFF G42D_Fax" | "PDF G31D_MH" | "PDFG42D_Fax".

The file format field defines which file format (PDF or TIFF) and which compression is used for the images.




TIFF CCITT Group 3 1D modified Huffman compressed images


TIFF CCITT.T6 Group 4 2D compressed images


PDF version 1.3 with Group 3 1D modified Huffman compressed images

PDF G42D_Fax

PDF version 1.3 with Group 4 2D compressed images

Image Logic Characteristics syntax

<ilc> ::= "1" | "2" | "3" | "4"


  • 1

    600 dpi optimised for printing

  • 2

    300 dpi optimised for viewing and archiving

  • 3

    600 dpi at 85 lpi optimised for printing on DemandStream and other black & white printers

  • 4

    600 dpi at 106 lpi optimised for printing on DemandStream and other black & white printers

The <ilc> number sets a number of settings for Image Logic to create an optimal scan for the defined purpose.

Filename prefix syntax

<filenameprefix> ::= alphanumeric string with a maximum of 8 characters. The string can be empty.

The filename prefix is used in the name of the exported scan file. Use the filename prefix to select the type of post processing application, e.g. memo, archive, OCR.

Filename postfix syntax

<postfix> ::= alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. The string can be empty. The following characters cannot be used: / \ : * ? " < > | <CR> <LF>.

The filename postfix is used in the name of the exported scan file. Use the filename postfix to define the behaviour of the application, e.g. application = "email", options = "someone@oce.nl".

User input control syntax

<minnr> ::= numeric string in the range 0..20

<maxnr> ::= numeric string in the range 0..20. <maxnr> must be equal to or larger than <minnr>.

<minnr> and <maxnr> define the minimum and maximum number of user-defined digits for the Scan Job Type. The user-defined digits are stored in the filename. For example, the user-defined digits can be used to select a certain archive volume or a telephone number.

When <minnr> and <maxnr> are both 0, the user does not have to enter any digits.

User input dialogue syntax

<namenrdialoguetitle> ::= A user-defined alphanumeric string with a maximum of 40 characters. The string can be empty. The following characters cannot be used: <CR>, <LF>, "," and ";".

The dialogue title <namenrdialoguetitle> appears when a job is started that requires a number as defined by "User input control syntax". The dialogue title explains the scan user what kind of user-defined digits are required.

Filename feedback control syntax

<conffilename> ::= "y" | "n" | ""


  • y

    Open a dialogue with the unique filename when a new scan job is started.

  • n

    Do not open a dialogue with the unique filename when a new scan job is started.

  • <empty string>

    Do not open a dialogue with the unique filename when a new scan job is started.

Subfolder syntax

<subfolder> ::= A user-defined alphanumeric string with a maximum of 150 characters. The string can be empty. The following characters cannot be used: * ? " < > | <CR> <LF>.

Option <subfolder> defines the path to a subfolder on the scan file server. The path to the subfolder is relative to the path of the root folder on the scan server.

The scanned file is written in the subfolder. When option <subfolder> is empty, the scanned files are written to the root folder.

Original orientation syntax

<OrigOrientation> ::= "portrait book" | "portrait calendar" | "landscape book" | "landscape calendar" | "", where "" means: undefined.

Option <OrigOrientation> defines the expected orientation and binding of the originals in the scanner. This option can be overruled by the engine or by the user in a later stage.

When <OrigOrientation> = "", the engine or the user defines the orientation.

Original 1-sided or 2-sided syntax

<OrigDuplex> ::= "on" | "off" | "", where "" means: undefined.

Option <OrigDuplex> defines the default value for originals in the scanner. The default value can be 2-sided or 1-sided. This option can be overruled by the engine or by the user in a later stage.

When <OrigDuplex> = "", the engine or the user defines either value 2-sided or value 1-sided.

Original document kind syntax

<OrigKind> ::= "photo" | "text" | "auto" | "mixed" | "", where "" means: undefined.

Option <OrigKind> defines the default kind of the original document in the scanner, e.g. text. This option can be overruled by the engine or by the user in a later stage.

When <OrigKind> = "", the engine or the user defines the kind of the original document.

Zoom syntax

<OrigZoom> ::= numeric string in the range 25...400 | "", where "" means: undefined.

Option <OrigZoom> defines the zoom factor in percent. This option can be overruled by the engine or by the user in a later stage.

When <OrigZoom> = "", the zoom factor is 100%.

Original paper format syntax

<OrigFormat> ::= <Format> <FeedDirection>

<Format> ::=

"A5" (148 x 210 mm)

| "Statement 5.5x8.5" (140 x 216 mm/5.5 x 8.5 inches)

| "B5" (182 x 257 mm/7.17 x 10.12 inches)

| "Letter 8.5x11" (216 x 279 mm)

| "A4" (210 x 297 mm)

| "Foolscap" (203 x 330 mm)

| "Folio" (210 x 330 mm)

| "Legal 8.5x14" (216 x 356 mm/8.5 x 14 inches)

| "B4" (257 x 364 mm/10.12 x 14.33 inches)

| "A3" (297 x 420 mm)

| "US Gov 8x10.5" (203 x 267 mm/8 x 10.5 inches)

| "Tabloid 11x17" (279 x 432 mm/11 x 17 inches)

| "Commercial" (210 x 270 mm)

| "Letter Gov 8.5x10" (8.5 x 10 inch)

| "Legal Gov 8.5x12" (8.5 x 12 inch)

| "Letter 8.25x10" (8.5 x 10 inch)

| "legal 8.5x13" (8.5 x 13 inch)

| "" (undefined)

<FeedDirection> ::= "sef" | "lef" | "".

Option <Format> defines the default paper format of the originals in the scanner. This option can be overruled by the engine or by the user in a later stage.

When <Format> = "", the engine or the user defines the paper format.

Option <FeedDirection> defines the feed direction of the originals.

When <FeedDirection> = "", the engine or the user defines the feed direction.

Output media format syntax

<DestFormat> ::= <Format>

Option <DestFormat> defines the requested media format for the scan files. This option can be overruled by the engine or by the user in a later stage.

Option <DestFormat> does not define a feed direction.

When <DestFormat> = "": <DestFormat> = <OrigFormat> ::= <Format>

The media format for the output scan files is equal to the paper format of the originals.