
Maintenance Guidelines


This section describes what is required for printer maintenance.


  • Safety glasses with side shields

  • Gloves (for example: Ansell Microflex 93-260)

  • Foam Tipped Swab (3010118211)

  • Cloth-Poly Wipe 10cm x 10cm (lint-free)

  • Surface Cleaner

  • Isopropyl alcohol - IPA (>= 98%)


Wear gloves when contact with ink or maintenance materials is possible. Gloves should always overlap sleeves. Follow the ink related Safety Data Sheets (SDS) guidelines carefully in order to ensure maximum safety. For example use Ansell Microflex 93-260 gloves, which offer a protection against UV inks and flush up to one hour. Pollution with other chemicals can shorten the protection time against UV inks and flush.

Wear eye protection as prescribed in this document when performing a task or action in this area.


It is recommended that gloves are used for one time only and should be removed and replaced with new gloves if contaminated with inks or damaged. Chemicals in UV inks can penetrate nitrile gloves in less than 10 minutes. UV-curable inks can contain sensitizing chemicals which can lead to sensitization upon prolonged or repeated exposure to skin. Canon Production Printing recommends that contaminated gloves are removed and replaced with new gloves.

Operator Maintenance



Printhead Maintenance

(at the beginning of each work day)

Clean Horizontal Surfaces

Clean Automatic Maintenance Station

Clean Ink Spit Tray

Clean Carriage Underside

Maintain White Ink



Clean Printheads

Empty the Waste Trays

Every two weeks


Replace UV Lamp Filters



Clean UV Lamp window

Check Coolant level

Clean Glass Rails

Incident based, as needed


Remove Ink from Table

Clean Linear Gantry Rails

Needed when indicated on the operator panel


Change Ink Filters

After 50 liters of ink, or if pigment looks weak

Bleed ink filter (CMYKcm)

After 5 Bags

Bleed ink filter (White)

After 1 Bag

Change both UV Lamps

After 500 hours or when curing is insufficient