
JDF error handling

If the JDF ticket is not a well-formed XML, the ticket is ignored and only the PDL is interpreted. The validity of the JDF ticket against the XML schemas is not checked.

Error type


Expected behaviour

Structuring of JDF ticket / PDL is incorrect.

Several tickets into file data stream.

First ticket is used.

JDF ticket is not readable.

Character encoding is both ASCII and iso-2022-jp.

The whole ticket is ignored.

JDF ticket version is unsupported.

Ticket specifies JDF version 17.2.

The ticket is decoded as if it were JDF 1.3.

JDF ticket is not a well-formed XML or structure item is not syntactically correct.

Example: </ResourcePool> is missing.

The whole ticket is ignored.

JDF ticket is not a well-formed JDF. It is not compliant with JDF schema.

Example: dangling reference rRef="res_60" with ID="res_60" unknown.

The setting is ignored.

A setting does not belong to JDF.

Example: <Hello> </Hello> which is not a JDF compliant element.

The print server supports a given setting but not at this position.

Example: Setting DigitalPrintingParams ID put at the end of the file.

A setting value is not JDF compliant.

Example: Collate="Hello".

JDF ticket is well-formed but contains unsupported elements and attributes.

A setting value is conform to JDF syntax but the print server does not recognise or accept the setting.

Example: Collate="SheetAndSet".

The setting / setting value is ignored.