
Remove Stains

Supplies Needed: Rubber gloves, soap, hot water, and lint-free cloth.


  1. Put on nitrile gloves
  2. Mix a cleaning solution that is 50:1 hot water to soap.

    Use a mild detergent such as Ivory - avoid soaps that have dies, moisturising oils, or perfumes as they may damage the capstan. Read the label! Our R&D Lab has tested only Ivory Detergent. If you are uncertain about a detergent try it out in a 50:1 solution on a small area at the end of the capstan.

  3. Wet the cloth in the cleaning solution and wring out excess liquid. Scrub the surface of the capstan using the cleaning cloth.
  4. Allow adequate time for the capstan to dry.

    If scrubbing action leaves debris on the surface, wait for the surface to dry completely, then follow the procedure listed above for “Removing Solid Debris”.