
Print a scheduled job later


The machine prints the jobs that are present in the list of [Scheduled jobs] jobs.

However, you can decide to print a job later, for example because:

  • The required media are out of stock, or

  • You first want to make a proof.

Then you must move the job back to the list of [Waiting jobs].


To select the active print job you must first press the Stop button 2x to stop the job.


  1. Touch [Jobs] -> [Queues].
  2. If collapsed, first touch to expand the list of [Scheduled jobs].
  3. Touch the job or jobs you want to print later or use the [Select] button to make a selection.

    To undo the multiple selection and only select 1 job, you must touch that job for 2 seconds.

  4. Press [Move].

    The job is moved to the list of [Waiting jobs].