The jmJobGroup contains the jmJobTable. Each jmJobEntry consists of the following supported objects:
The jmJobIndex value is the same value of job id that is allocated by the print server to a job.
The supported values are:
Pending (3)
PendingHeld (4)
Processing (5)
ProcessingStopped (6)
Cancelled (7)
Completed (8)
The supported values are:
other (0x1 = 1)
unknown (0x2 = 2)
jobIncoming (0x4 = 4)
resourcesAreNotReady (0x100)
deviceStopped (0x400 = 1024)
jobInterpreting (0x800 = 2048)
jobPrinting (0x1000 = 4096)
jobCanceledByOperator (0x4000 = 16384)
abortedBySystem (0x10000)
processingToStopPoint (0x20000 = 131072)
jobCompletedSuccessfully (0x80000 = 524288)
jobCompletedWithWarnings (0x100000)
jobCompletedWithErrors (0x200000 = 2097152)
jobPaused (0x400000 = 4194304)
jobRetained (0x1000000 = 16777216)
For each jmJobStateReason(a = b): “a” is the hexadecimal value and “b” is the decimal value.
A job can have multiple state reasons from the supported JmJobStateReasons1 values. When a job has multiple reasons, the final value will be the sum of job reasons values. For example, jobInterpreting + jobPrinting = 0x1800 = 6144.
PRISMAsync state |
jmJobState |
JmJobStateReasons1 |
Spooling Waiting to rip + no hold |
Processing |
jobIncoming + (jobCompletedWithErrors) |
Waiting to rip + hold |
ProcessingStopped |
jobPaused + (jobCompletedWithErrors) |
Ripping |
Processing |
jobInterpreting + (jobCompletedWithErrors) |
Ripping + hold |
ProcessingStopped |
deviceStopped + (jobCompletedWithErrors) |
Ripping + printing |
Processing |
JobInterpreting + jobPrinting + (jobCompletedWithErrors) |
Done ripping + mailbox |
PendingHeld |
JobRetained + (jobCompletedWithErrors) |
Waiting to print + no hold |
Processing |
other + (jobCompletedWithErrors) |
Waiting to print + hold |
ProcessingStopped |
jobPaused + (jobCompletedWithErrors) |
Printing |
Processing |
jobPrinting + (jobCompletedWithErrors) |
Printing + hold |
ProcessingStopped |
deviceStopped + (jobCompletedWithErrors) |
Done printing |
Completed |
jobCompletedSuccessfully (jobCompletedWithErrors) |
Cancelling (by user) |
Processing |
processingToStopPoint + jobCanceledByOperator (jobCompletedWithErrors) |
Cancelled (by user) |
Cancelled |
jobCanceledByOperator (jobCompletedWithErrors) |
For the list of scheduled jobs, this object displays the job position plus the number of persisting jobs. Persisting jobs are jobs that are not active anymore.
The counting starts with persisting jobs in the order they are aborted or completed.
Send 4 jobs to the list of scheduled jobs in the following order: job1, job2, job3, job4. Move the job3 to the top, print it, hold printing and delete job2.
Only two jobs remain in the list of scheduled jobs and the other two will be persisting jobs for N seconds, where N = jobPersistanceTime.
Until the job persistence time has elapsed the number of intervening jobs is:
job3 = 1; job2 = 2; job1 = 3; job4 = 4
When the job persistence time has elapsed , the persisting jobs will be removed and the number of intervening jobs is:
job1 = 1; job4 = 2
In SNMP, persisting jobs consist of printed jobs and removed jobs. Even if the jobs are not visible anymore in the PRISMAsync Print Server, they can still be visible in SNMP if the persistence time has not elapsed.
For the list of waiting jobs, the object returns unknown (-2).
The object returns unknown (-2).
The object returns unknown (-2).
jmJobImpressionsPerCopyRequested returns the total number of impressions (pages) of the job.
jmJobImpressionsCompleted returns the total number of impressions (pages) completed of the job.
The returned value of jmJobImpressionsCompleted depends on the print workflow / copy mode of the job and the processing of the job in the print server. The illustration below shows the evolution of the returned value (labels Requested and Completed) during the lifetime of the copy job or print job for the different print workflows. In this figure, N represents the final value of the requested number of pages.
For jobs printed over the network, including "print from network mailbox", the job owner is derived from the job ticket or from information of the job owner, which is supplied by the job submission client.
For other jobs, an empty string ("") is returned for the job owner.