
XPIF ticket information


The Xerox Printing Instructions Format (XPIF) is an Xerox job ticket format which is XML based. The specifications and requirements of the XPIF job ticket are based on version 02050 of the DTD. This section describes the XPIF structure and the supported XPIF attributes. The XPIF ticket is the successor of the ASCII job ticket (XJT).

XPIF detection tag

Every XPIF ticket starts with:

<!DOCTYPE xpif SYSTEM "xpif-v02050.dtd">

This tag represents the DTD on which the current XPIF ticket is based on. This tag is used by the ticket decoder to check whether the ticket is compliant to the XPIF specifications.

XPIF root

The root node has the following structure:

<xpif version="1.0" xml:lang="en-US" cpss-version="2.01">

<!-- Job description -->


The version attribute indicates the version of the XPIF specification (here 1.0). Then the language is defined which is used for the XML document (here English US). Finally, the CPSS version is declared. The semantic elements are defined according to this CPSS version. The content inside the root note is the job description. The decoder processes the job description.

XPIF ticket structure