Fonts can either reside on the printer (printer-resident fonts), or on the host system (host-resident fonts). This section describes the difference between printer-resident fonts and host-resident fonts.
The printers support the following types of Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA) fonts:
LF1 single byte raster fonts
LF1 double byte raster fonts
LF3 single byte Type1 outline fonts
LF3 double byte CID outline fonts
LF3 single and double byte TrueType outline fonts (Océ proprietary format)
The new AFP TrueType / OpenType Data Object font format is also supported. This font format belongs to the Object Container IPDS tower and is not a FOCA format.
Fonts and code pages may be:
Downloaded – downloaded with the application and deleted after use.
Captured – downloaded once and captured on the printer harddisk for future use.
Resident, user installed – installed via GUI.
Resident, factory installed – installed together with the printer microcode. The factory installed fonts are permanent and cannot be deleted.
Type |
Technology |
LF1 |
Single byte raster fonts |
Double byte raster fonts |
LF3 |
PostScript PFB (Type1) |
PostScript CID |
TrueType (single byte) |
TrueType (double byte) |
OC |
Data Object Font – TrueType |
Data Object Font – Open Type |
The printer is delivered with a set of resident fonts and code pages. This set corresponds to the so called 4028 Compatibility Resident Font Set and Code Page Set which is supplied with the IBM AFCCU printers. While the original IBM 4028 CRFS only contains raster fonts, the imagePRESS C800 Series use TrueType outline fonts. A complete list of the 4028 Compatibility Resident Font Set and the code pages can be found in Chapter 3 of the IBM IPDS Handbook for printers that use the AFCCU.
The factory installed fonts and code pages cannot be deleted or modified. You can also install additional outline fonts or code pages; the installation is described in paragraph 'Install resources on the printer'.
AFP host-resident fonts are fonts which reside on the host system in font libraries. The benefit of using host-resident fonts is that the font layout of the printed pages is the same for different IPDS printers. Therefore, the use of host-resident fonts is the preferred way to extend the font set.
The following rules apply to the use of host-resident fonts:
the requested fonts have to be downloaded for each IPDS print session
a downloaded font survives the IPDS print job boundaries
a downloaded font does not survive the IPDS print session end
a downloaded font does not survive a printer reboot
IBM mainframe font support
In a IBM mainframe environment all fonts in use have to be downloaded to the printer.
The factory installed default font is a Courier Roman Medium 12 pitch (10 point) font. You can select another default font and code page among the factory or user installed single byte fonts and code pages. The default font is selected through the printer GUI.
The user can install the following types of AFP resources on the printer harddisk:
FOCA LF3 Type1single byte outline fonts
FOCA LF3 TrueType single and double byte outline fonts
FOCA LF3 CID double byte outline fonts
FOCA LF3 Code Pages
FOCA Type1, CID or TrueType fonts and their associated Code Pages can be installed on the printer harddisk.
User installed resources on the printer harddisk can only be deleted through the printer GUI – not through commands from the host system. You can also use the GUI to delete resources which have been captured directly from the host. The factory installed resources, fonts, code pages, are protected and cannot be deleted.