
EBNF grammar


EBNF grammar is used to describe the account-log file. EBNF has the following meta-symbols:

  • () brackets to indicate once (used to group alternatives together)

  • [] brackets to indicate zero or once

  • {} brackets to indicate zero or more

  • | to separate alternatives

  • + plus sign indicates one or more

  • <> brackets to indicate a non terminal

The EBNF syntax has terminals and non-terminals. An example of a nonterminal is <digit>, representing the digits 0 to 9. The digits 0 to 9 are the terminals. The non-terminal <digit> can be used in syntax descriptions instead of the terminals. This makes the description more structured and better readable.

Predefined non-terminals used throughout the document




( 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9).



The year, for example, “2000” or “2017”.



The month. Range 01..12. For example “01” or “12”.



The day of the month. Range 01..31. For example “03” or “28”.




Numeric string of 2 digits with leading zeros in the range 00..23 expressing the hour.


Numeric string of 2 digits with leading zeros in the range 00..59 expressing the minutes.


Numeric string of 2 digits with leading zeros in the range 00..59 expressing the seconds.




( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 )

Number of different papers (e.g different format, type or weight) used in the job.


A carriage return character.


A line feed character.


A space character


A tab character


A comma character ","


A semicolon character ";"


A colon character ":"


A dash character "-"


A double quote character "



Numeric string of up to 9 digits; leading zeroes are not allowed.





String of up to 40 characters.



String of up to 255 characters.


{<space> | <tab>}





Media ID, identifying a media type used in the job, range 1..16


Format: |

For example, (<CR><LF>) | <LF>


Field separator; which must be consistent throughout the log file.

Format: <semicolon> | <comma>