The SNMP implementation supports the following protocol versions:
SNMP v1, widely support
SNMP v2c, this is an extension to SNMP v1. It introduces the protocol operation GetBulk that can reduce the SNMP traffic.
SNMP v3, it defines a security model that provides user authentication and data encryption.
All specified SNMP version can be used concurrently. SNMP v1 and SNMP v2c use a common configuration. SNMP v3 uses a specific configuration.
The SNMP implementation supports the following MIBs:
The items in the MIB-II MIB needed for the Host Resources MIB and Printer MIB are supported. The other items supported by MIB-II depend on SNMP tooling supported by the operating system. These items are not strictly required, e.g. for instance the interface group.
RFC 2790 Host Resources MIB
The mandatory OIDs for a printer device in the Host Resources MIB are supported.
RFC 3805 Printer MIB version 2
The mandatory OIDs of the Printer MIB version 2 are supported.
RFC 2707 for Job monitoring
Printer Port Monitor MIB 1.0
Proprietary MIBs:
This MIB defines the structure of the Océ MIBs based on the "Private Enterprise Number" (PEN). The PEN was assigned to Océ by the "Internet Assigned Numbers Authority" (IANA).
MIB for the Océ Software Billing Counters.
Océ extension to the Canon Billing Counter MIB.
Océ extension of the JOB monitoring MIB called the Oce Job Management MIB.
Océ extension to the Printer MIB version 2 (RFC 3805).
Click to download the proprietary MIBs of Océ.
The SNMP agent can be setup to automatically send alerts to an SNMP manager. A maximum of 3 predefined host names or IP addresses for SNMP managers is supported.
To be backwards compatible, the default configuration is:
SNMPv3 enable
SNMPv1/v2c enable with full access
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