%XRXxImageShift: <offset>
%XRXx2ImageShift: <offset>
%XRXyImageShift: <offset>
%XRXy2ImageShift: <offset>
"x2ImageShift" and "y2ImageShift" shift apply to even pages.
<offset> is the offset in millimetres (integer).
A positive value for X shift moves the image to the right. A positive value for X shift moves the image to the left on the back side of a sheet.
A positive value for Y shift moves the image upwards. A positive value for Y shift moves the image downwards on the back side of a sheet.
%XRXpageExceptions-xShift: <start page> <end page> <shift> <which>
%XRXpageExceptions-yShift: <start page> <end page> <shift> <which>
<start page>: the first page in the range (counting the first page in the document as 1).
<end page>: the last page that is still in the range.
<shift>: distance in mm for the image(s) to shift.
<which>: can be ODD or EVEN. In case of 1-sided printing, all pages are ODD.