
Rendering intent: Saturation (business graphics)

This setting optimizes the output of bright, saturated colors.

Saturation rendering intent preserves saturated colors, and is advised if you try to keep color purity in computer graphics. Pure saturated colors in the original RGB device will still be saturated colors in the output color space, even if this results in relatively more extreme colors.

Saturation rendering intent is not advised for photos, because this setting does not try to keep color realism. The color saturation can come at the expense of changes in hue and lightness, which is normally an unacceptable trade-off for photo reproduction.

You can also use saturation rendering intent to prevent visible dithering if you must print computer graphics on a printer. It is not possible to prevent all dithering, because printers never can match every color. Saturation rendering intent can minimize dithering if the color is very close to pure.