
What is an input profile / standardisation?


An input profile / standardisation defines what colour space you must use to interpret the colour information of the file you want to print in a correct manner.

The main input profiles (colour spaces) are the following.

  • RGB

    The RGB colour space is based on the RGB colour model. RGB (Red, Green, Blue) is a suitable colour model for computer graphics because the human visual system operates in a similar manner.

    The RGB colour space is an additive colour space, where you can mix colours based on light. You can create white light if you add equal parts of each of the three primary colours: red, green, and blue. All three colours are required to produce white and the absence of all three produces black. In additive mixing, the RGB colours are the primary colours and cyan, magenta, and yellow (CMY) are the secondary colours.

  • CMYK (Colours you print)

    The CMYK colour space is based on the CMYK colour model. The CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black colour space is a subtractive colour space, where you can mix colours based on subtracting light energy from the spectrum. The CMY toners are used to create RGB colours. All three inks are required to produce black and the absence of all three produces white. In subtractive colour mixing the CMY colours are the primary colours and RGB are the secondary colours.

  • Grey

    In the greyscale (colour) space only information about the lightness is given. Lightness can range from a minimum of 0 (black) to 100 (white).

You can define the input profile if you use the [Colour feel] setting [Graphics colours].

The table below gives an overview of the possible input profiles / standardisation settings.

Input profile / standardisation


RGB - [sRGB]

Use this setting to indicate the colour space of a standard computer monitor. sRGB is the most frequently used RGB colour space, especially in consumer grade digital cameras. sRGB is acceptable for most consumer applications. The sRGB design allows easy previewing on a standard computer display.

RGB - [Adobe RGB]

This setting indicates an RGB colour space developed by Adobe in 1998. Adobe RGB has a larger gamut than sRGB. Adobe RGB is included in more medium-range digital cameras, and many professional graphic artists prefer Adobe RGB for its larger gamut.

CMYK - [Euroscale coated]

This setting indicates an old offset press standard, formerly used in Europe to print separations and proofs on coated media.

CMYK - [Euroscale uncoated]

This setting indicates an old offset press standard, formerly used in Europe to print separations and proofs on uncoated media

CMYK - [US Web coated (SWOP)]

This setting indicates an old offset press standard, formerly used in the US to print separations and proofs on coated media.

CMYK - [US Web uncoated]

This setting indicates an old offset press standard, formerly used in the US to print separations and proofs on uncoated media.

CMYK - [ISO Coated v2 300% (ECI)]

This setting indicates an offset press standard, frequently used in Europe to print separations and proofs on coated media. Based upon Fogra39 with 300% ink limit.

CMYK - [ISO Coated v2 (ECI)]

This setting indicates an offset press standard, used in Europe to print separations and proofs on coated media. Based upon Fogra39 with 330% ink limit.

CMYK - [PSO Uncoated ISO12647 (ECI)]

This setting indicates an offset press standard, used in Europe to print separations and proofs on uncoated media. Based upon Fogra47.

CMYK - [Uncoated FOGRA29]

This setting indicates an offset press standard, used in Europe to print separations and proofs on uncoated media. Based upon Fogra29.

CMYK - [GRACoL2006 Coated1v2]

This setting indicates an offset press standard, frequently used in the US to print separations and proofs on coated media grade 1.

CMYK - [SWOP2006 Coated3v2]

This setting indicates an offset press standard, used in the US to print separations and proofs on coated media grade 3.

CMYK - [SWOP2006 Coated5v2]

This setting indicates an offset press standard, used in the US to print separations and proofs on coated media grade 5.

Grey - [None (no profile used)]

Use this setting to directly transform the greyscale info to black toner usage only.

Grey - [sGray]

Use this setting to transform the greyscale info based upon the sGray profile (lightness scale sRGB with gamma 2.2) to CMYK toner usage.

Grey - [Adobe Gray 20%]

Use this setting to transform the greyscale info based upon the Adobe Gray 20% profile (Adobe specific dot gain 20%) to CMYK toner usage.