
Print Prepare Manager service settings

The VDP functionality is available in the PRISMA Core. The PRISMA Core is installed on the server. Therefore, all actions and validations concerning the VDP functionality are executed on the server. Jobs can be created in the web shop and the Order processing console. The web shops are hosted by web servers. The web servers must have access to the server when they are installed on separate computers. The web servers connect to the PRISMAdirect server via the port for the Print Prepare Manager service.

The setting Port of the Print Prepare Manager service is part of the following procedures:

Configure the port for the [Print Prepare Manager service]

  1. Click [System] - [Services settings] - [Print Prepare Manager service].

  2. Define the port for the Print Prepare Manager service. The default port number is 54000.

    Check that the port is available for the web servers.

  3. Click [Save].

Trace level

Set the trace level for the Print Prepare Manager service:

  • [Debug]

    The [Debug] trace level provides the most detailed log information. The [Debug] trace level can impact the performance of the application.

  • [Error]

    The errors are logged.

  • [Info]

    The errors and information messages are logged