
[Add items]


If you want to add [Job ticket items] to the CostSheet and automatically use the proper calculation settings. Use this procedure.


If the required [Job ticket items] are not available close the Formula manager. Open the [Job Ticket Editor] to create the required [Job ticket items].


  1. Click [Add items].

    The [Add items] dialog will open. The dialog contains all [Job ticket items] that are not available in the job ticket table.

  2. Select the [Job ticket items] you want to add to the CostSheet.

    You can select the items one by one via the check boxes or Select all / deselect all. You can also type part of the name in the search box in order to ease your search for a specific item.

  3. Click OK to add the items to the CostSheet.

    The selected items are added at the bottom of the job ticket table.

  4. For each new [Job ticket item] and [Item value]:
    1. Define the multiplier for the [Job ticket item] and its [Item values] in the first pricing column.
    2. Select all cells of the new [Job ticket item] in the first pricing column, including the cell in row [Total:]. Copy the selected cells to all other pricing columns.
    3. Add the new [Job ticket item] to the result table.

      Copy one of the available rows. Type the name of the [Job ticket item] in the cell of column A in the result table.

    4. Create a cell reference from the result table to the cell in row [Total:] in the job ticket table. Create the cell reference in the same column as the first pricing column.
      • Create a relative reference to collect the value of the cell in row [Total:] in the job ticket table. For example: =D79. A relative reference is usually used for [Item type:] [Number]

      • Create an absolute reference to collect a value from column [Amount:]. For example: =$C$84. An absolute reference is usually used for [Item type:] [Yes/No], [Date] or [Text].

    5. Select the cell with the cell reference in the result table. Copy the selected cell to all other columns in the result table.
    6. You can use the cells from the result table in the calculations.