
Install a license received via e-mail


This procedure describes how to install the license file once received via e-mail.

How to install a license


  1. Save the received zipped license file on the workstation.
  2. Open the Settings Editor.
  3. Go to [Support]  → [Licenses]  → [Licenses].
  4. Click [Install] next to [Install license from file].
  5. The System Administrator login window opens:

    Enter the System Administrator password and click [Log in].

  6. The Install license from file window opens:
  7. Browse to the workstation directory where you saved the new zipped license file.
  8. Select the license file and click [Open]. The following window opens:
  9. Click [Install]. The Restart required window opens:
  10. Click [OK].

    The system will not restart automatically after you click [OK].

    The following window opens:

  11. Click [OK].
  12. In the Settings editor go to [Support]  → [Licenses].
  13. Check that the required options are licensed as expected. At this moment the licenses are present, but not yet activated. For example:
  14. To activate the licenses, restart the printer via [Support]  → [Troubleshooting]  → [Printer restart and job removal]  → [Restart the system].


You can check the status of the license(s):

  • On the operator panel, tap [System]  → [About][ Licenses].

  • In the settings editor, click on [Support]  → [Licenses]  → [Licenses].