
Manage the JDD service settings

The Job Data Dispatcher (JDD) service is used by the web shops to submit orders to the server.

The setting [VDP preview generation timeout [s]:] is part of the procedure to configure the VDP workflow. For the complete procedure, see Configure the VDP workflow.

  1. Click [System] - [Services settings] - [JDD service] - [General settings].

  2. Select a template to configure the JDD service. Each template defines custom values which depend on the expected size and number of jobs submitted from the web shops.

  3. Do not configure the remaining settings in this dialogue yourself. Change these settings only after consulting the help desk when you have performance issues.

  4. Click [Save].

Trace level

Set the trace level for the JDD service:

  • [Debug]

    The [Debug] trace level provides the most detailed log information. The [Debug] trace level can impact the performance of the application.

  • [Error]

    The errors are logged.

  • [Info]

    The errors and information messages are logged