
Manage the user roles

The user roles determine the login rights of each user and user group in PRISMAdirect. You can create and manage the custom user roles. You can assign the custom user role to a user or user group. When you delete this role, the role [Customers] is automatically assigned to the user or user group.

You cannot edit or delete the default user roles:

  • [Services]

  • [Order managers]

  • [Operators]

  • [Customers]

  1. Click [User management] - [User roles].

  2. Click [New role].

    You can also click the copy icon to copy an existing role. The icon appears when you hover the mouse pointer over the existing role.

  3. Type the name for the user role.

    By default, all rights are enable for the new role.

  4. Enable or disable access to workspaces and dialogues for the role.

    You have to disable [Order view] first, before you can disable [Job view].

  5. You can assign the user role to a user or user group. See Manage the users and Add or edit a user group