
Define default use of special pages

What are special pages

Banner pages, trailer pages and separator sheets are special pages that can be added to a job. The Settings Editor has settings to configure the use of special pages.


You can import and export the media definition of special pages.

Define banner pages

  1. Open the Settings Editor and go to: [Preferences]  → [System settings]

    [System settings] tab
  2. Go to the [Basic] section.

    [Basic] section
  3. Use the [Banner pages for copy jobs] and [Banner pages for print jobs] settings to indicate the use of banner pages.

    • [Enabled]: banner pages are added to all jobs.

    • [Disabled]: banner pages are never added to the jobs.

    [Banner pages for copy jobs] setting
    [Banner pages for print jobs] setting
  4. Click [OK].

  5. Use the [Print job name as barcode on banner/trailer pages] setting to add a barcode to the banner pages.

    [Print job name as barcode on banner/trailer pages] setting
  6. Click [OK].

  7. Use the [Media of banner/trailer pages] setting to define how the media of banner pages are selected.

    • [Use job media]: the banner pages are printed on job media.

    • [Use default media]: the banner pages are printed on default media.

    [Media of banner/trailer pages] setting
  8. Click [OK].

Define trailer pages

  1. Open the Settings Editor and go to: [Preferences]  → [System settings].

    [System settings] tab
  2. Go to the [Basic] section.

    [Basic] section
  3. Use the [Trailer pages for copy jobs] and [Trailer pages for print jobs] settings to indicate the use of trailer pages.

    • [Enabled]: trailer pages are added to all jobs.

    • [Disabled]: trailer pages are never added to the jobs.

    [Trailer pages for copy jobs] setting
    [Trailer pages for print jobs] setting
  4. Click [OK].

  5. Use the [Print job name as barcode on banner/trailer pages] setting to add a barcode to the trailer pages.

    [Print job name as barcode on banner/trailer pages] setting
  6. Click [OK].

  7. Use the [Media of banner/trailer pages] setting to define how the media of trailer pages are selected.

    • [Use job media]: the trailer pages are printed on job media.

    • [Use default media]: the trailer pages are printed on default media.

    [Media of banner/trailer pages] setting

Define the default media of banner and trailer pages

Define the default media of banner and trailer pages when you have selected [Use default media] in the [Media of banner/trailer pages] setting.

  1. Open the Settings Editor and go to: [Preferences]  → [Print job defaults].

    [Print job defaults] tab
  2. Go to the [Banner pages, trailer pages, reports and tickets] section.

    [Banner pages, trailer pages, reports and tickets] section
  3. Use the [Media of banner/trailer pages, reports and tickets] setting to select the default media of banner and trailer pages.

    [Media of banner/trailer pages, reports and tickets] setting
  4. Click [OK].

Define the default media of separator sheets

  1. Open the Settings Editor and go to: [Preferences]  → [Print job defaults].

    [Print job defaults] tab
  2. Go to the [Separator sheets] section.

    [Separator sheets] section
  3. Use the [Media of separator sheets] setting to select the default media of the separator sheets.

    [Media of separator sheets] setting
  4. Click [OK].

  5. Use the [Separator sheets] setting to select the sheet orientation of the separation sheets.

    • [Short-edge feed]: separator sheets are delivered in the output tray with short-edge feed direction.

    • [Long-edge feed]: separator sheets are delivered in the output tray with long-edge feed direction.

    • [Preferred feed edge of output tray]: separator sheets are delivered in the output tray as defined for the job.

    [Separator sheets] setting
  6. Click [OK].