
Create a custom media type


When you want to use custom media on your system, you first have to create a custom media type in Océ Express WebTools.


  1. Select the [Media] - [Media types] tab.
  2. Click on [Create a media].
  3. Enter a name recognisable for the user. This name appears in Océ Express WebTools and on the user panel.
  4. Select the [Category] of the new media.

    The media properties are automatically selected for the new media type. For more information on choosing the right media category, see Choose the right media category

  5. Select [Advanced].
  6. Enter a recognisable [Media type ID].

    This ID will be displayed in the OJT ticket, so it is advised to align the media type ID with the media name.

  7. Change the other default media properties when required (only for advanced users).

    Changing the default media properties is at your own risk. Note that it can impact the quality of the print or it can cause a paper jam. For more information, see Adjust the media properties

  8. Click [Ok] to confirm, or [Cancel] to reject your entries.


A new custom media type is available on the [Media] - [Media types] tab.

To make a media type available on the user panel, you have to enable the media type. See Configure the media profiles