
Log out or switch roles

This topic contains the following instructions.

  1. End the session

  2. Log out on the control panel and the Settings Editor

  3. Log out on control panel when you use a PKI smart card

  4. Log out on control panel when you use an NFC smart card

  5. Log out in PRISMAsync Remote Manager

  6. Switch roles to change settings

End the session

When you want to leave PRISMAsync Print Server, it is important to log out to end the session. It is also possible to authenticate again with other credentials without leaving PRISMAsync Print Server.

The local session timeout period determines how long you remain logged in without using the printer.

Log out on the control panel and the Settings Editor

    • On the control panel touch the name of your user account.

    • In the Settings Editor click the name of your user account.

  1. Touch or click [Log out].

Log out on control panel when you use a PKI smart card

Remove your PKI smart card from the reader.

Log out on control panel when you use an NFC smart card

Hold your NFC smart card next to the reader. You can also use the [Log out] option.

Log out in PRISMAsync Remote Manager

Click [Log out].

Switch roles to change settings

When you are logged in to the Settings Editor or to the control panel and you want to perform a task for which you do not have sufficient rights, you can log in again with the appropriate credentials. Therefore, you need to have another user account that is authorised for this task.