
Creasing - generic

You have to use both @RelativeStartPosition and @RelativeWorkingPath to define the crease.

The allowed value of the XYPair of @RelativeStartPosition is "0.5 0" which specifies a half-fold of the sheet.

The allowed value of the XYPair of @RelativeWorkingPath is "0 1" which specifies a crease over the width of the sheet.

It is allowed to switch the values for X and Y.


XPath: //CreasingParams/Crease/@RelativeStartPosition

XPath: //CreasingParams/Crease/@RelativeWorkingPath



Supported values

For "@RelativeStartPosition", the values must be "0.5 0" or "0 0.5".

For "@RelativeWorkingPath", the values must be "0 1" or "1 0".


The tool can apply a crease only parallel to the leading/trailing edge over the full width and only at the half-fold position.

There is no support for the creasing orientation, therefore two orientations are accepted.

There is no support for direct control of the WorkingDirection [Top, Bottom]. Both will be the result of other finishing settings that control facing or feed direction.


<JDF Type="Combined" Types="... Creasing ...">


<CreasingParams ID="res_1" Class="Parameter" Status="Available">

<Crease RelativeStartPosition="0.5 0" RelativeWorkingPath="0 1">





<CreasingParamsLink rRef="res_1" Usage="Input"/>

