


The user interface is divided into three main areas. These areas contain different information depending on the functionality you choose.

The 3 areas of the user interface




The top menu bar


The printer area

  • The document list

  • The printer information

For more information see The printer area


The details area

  • Preview and settings

  • The submitted jobs and the printer queue

  • Templates

For more information see The details area

General principles

Tooltip and contextual menus

The user interface provides additional shortcuts to get information or perform actions on a job, a document, or a template:

  • The tooltip displays addition information on an element when you bring your mouse over it.

  • The contextual menu gives access to additional actions you can perform on an element when you right-click on it.

Warnings and messages

  • When a warning is displayed in a tooltip or in the print preview to warn about a possibly unforeseen result, such as 'media not loaded', 'legend positioning', 'clipping' you can still submit a job to the printer.

  • When a message is displayed to highlight an incompatible combination of settings, you must solve the problem to be able to submit the job to the printer.

    The message contains a solution to solve the incompatible combination of settings: accept or change the settings manually.

  • When an error occurs on a document, you have to change the settings of the original document or remove that document from the job to allow printing.