
Print a job from a USB device

When the USB port is available for printing jobs, you can copy print files from a USB device to the list of waiting jobs. It is also possible to print the files directly.

The USB button

Before you begin

For more information about:


  1. Insert the USB device into the USB port at the left-hand side of the control panel.
  2. Touch [Jobs]  → [USB].
  3. Touch the folder that holds the jobs, if required.
  4. Select one or more jobs.
  5. Select the required option:
    • Touch [Print] to copy the job to the list of [Scheduled jobs].

      If accounting is enabled, the job is sent to the list of waiting jobs. Here you must open the job and first enter the accounting ID before you can print.

    • Touch [Save] to copy the job to the list of [Waiting jobs] or to a DocBox folder.

  6. Touch the eject button and remove the USB device.