
PRISMAsync Remote Manager

PRISMAsync Remote Manager

PRISMAsync Remote Manager is a multi-printer schedule and remote management console to control PRISMAsync Print Server-driven printers.

This web-based tool helps central operators to manage their print production and to provide insight into the production schedules.

PRISMAsync Remote Manager enables to upload jobs, to edit job properties and to change the print queues from a remote location or workstation. Jobs can easily be re-scheduled , re-located or changed before being printed.

You start the software application in the Settings Editor.

Use the help function or user guide of PRISMAsync Remote Manager for more information.

Start Remote Manager
Print queue of a printer



List of printers that are configured in a in a cluster. The printer on top of the list is selected.


The lists of scheduled jobs on the selected printer. The toolbars have buttons to move, add, edit, and print jobs.


The lists of waiting jobs on the selected printer.


The DocBox and list of printed jobs.