
Batch Mode Printing


Batch mode printing is available for streamlining multi-layered jobs for speciality applications or facilitating set collation of multiple images on one piece of media. Individual print jobs are sent from the RIP to the printer, and then combined on the printer to create a batch job for flatbed printing. There are two types of batch mode jobs: Composite and Collated.


All images are printed on a single piece of media without interruption. Composite batch mode can be used if you want to print more than the three layers allowed in the ONYX software and/or mix print modes on the same piece of media. The first print job is printed, and then the carriage moves to the start position for the second print job and prints it. This continues until the last print job is printed and then the gantry moves to the home position to complete the batch job.


Collated batch mode prints a set of individual print jobs on separate pieces of media, and then repeats the number of copies of the set, as required. The carriage moves to the park position between each print job, the media is changed, the media thickness is confirmed and the Start button or Start print icon is pushed to continue printing the next image.

For example:

  • If you want to collate 3 print jobs (J1,J2,J3) and print two 2 sets, the print order of the collated batch job would be J1,J2,J3,J1,J2,J3.

  • If you want to print 3 copies of the same job double-sided with different images front (F) and back (B), the print order would be F,B,F,B,F,B.

Managing the Job and Batch Lists

Like in the Job lists, you can control the appearance of columns in the Batch job list: change the order that columns appear, the width of each column, and also select the columns to appear on the display.

  1. Control the order of columns by dragging the column header to a different position.

  2. Change the width of a column by clicking on the vertical line that separates column headers and dragging to the left or right.

  3. Chose the columns to display by right-clicking on a column header and then click on a column name to add or remove it. Columns with a check mark will appear on the display and those with no check will not be seen.


Columns can be set back to their original appearance by right-clicking any column header (name) and selecting Reset to default.


  1. Send the individual jobs to be batched together from the RIP to the printer (or use existing Active jobs).
  2. Select the Create Batch icon to open the batch editor.
  3. Provide a name for the batch job in the Batch name: field.
  4. Select the Batch type: either Composite or Collation

    Make sure your settings are correct for printing a Composite batch job. See Enabling composite batch job nesting

  5. Add jobs to the batch by selecting a job and then clicking the Add copy button.
  6. Use the mouse to place the selected images within the rectangle that represents the media in the Preview pane.

    Placement of images can be changed at any time by editing the batch job or by clicking the + to the left of the batch job name, selecting one of the included images, and then moving that image with the mouse.

  7. When the images are arranged the way you want them, click on the Back button to return to the Print Job module and automatically add the Batch job to the Active job list.

    You can click on the + to the left of the name of a batch job in the Active Job list to see the images it contains. Select an image to move it by dragging with the mouse. You can also click the Edit Batch icon to open the editor to make changes to the layout and add or remove images.

  8. Print the batch job by selecting it and then clicking the Start print icon.