
Perform the G7 greyscale verification procedure

With PRISMAsync you can verify if the printed output meets the G7 greyscale target.

The G7 greyscale verification applies to all media of the media family. You only have to perform a G7 greyscale verification for one media of the media family. This is the media that is also used for media family calibration. Make sure you use that same media, each time you perform a G7 greyscale verification.


i1 spectrophotometer.

Before you begin

For information about:


  1. Calibrate the printer. (Calibrate the printer)

    You must always perform a printer calibration before you continue with this procedure.

  2. Calibrate the media family of the media you want to validate. (Calibrate a media family)

    You must always perform a media family calibration before you continue with this procedure.

  3. Connect the i1 spectrophotometer to the USB port of the control panel.
  4. Touch [System]  → [Colour adjustment]  → [G7® greyscale verification].
  5. Select the G7 media family to verify.
  6. Select the media for verification, if required.

    The system displays the default selected media for verification.

  7. Load the verification media.
  8. Touch [OK].
  9. Follow the instructions on the control panel.


After you performed the G7 greyscale verification, the feedback window shows the results of the performed procedure.

Feedback window of G7 verification procedure

When you see two green checkmark icons, touch [OK] to save the new calibration curves.

When you see a red cross icon, use the table below to evaluate the result. Then, click [OK] to close the window.


The [G7® greyscale verification] information is an indication for the colour accuracy achieved with the current printer condition, used media and corresponding output profile.

The graph shows per colour channel how close the measured values meet the G7 target values. The tolerances are displayed by dashed lines.


  • When the average ΔL or ΔCh value is less than the set threshold the colour quality is fine.

  • When the average ΔL or ΔCh value is greater than the set threshold, examine the printed output carefully. There can be something wrong with the measurement, the media or the printer condition.


The ΔE values of the [Measurement accuracy] information are indicators for the accuracy by which the patches are printed and measured.

The control panel displays a heatmap whose patch locations correspond with the printed chart.


  • When the average ΔE value is less than the [Value where heatmap turns green] value the patches on the control panel turn green and the colour quality is fine.

  • When the average ΔE value is between the [Value where heatmap turns green] value and the [Value where heatmap turns red] value, the patches on the control panel turn orange-like and the colour quality can still be fine. However, you might want to try the options in the list below.

  • When the average ΔE value is greater than the [Value where heatmap turns red] value the patches on the control panel turn red. You are advised to try one or more options in the list below.

Options to improve colour quality

  • Check the patch on the printed chart

    On the control panel, use the > and < symbols to scroll through the calibration charts. Use the zoom symbol to zoom in or out.

    Then, touch the red patch to find the row and column number to check the corresponding patch on the printed chart to solve the problem. Then, perform this verification procedure again.

  • Calibrate the media family again

    Something may have gone wrong during the use of the i1 spectrophotometer.

  • Calibrate the printer

    See Calibrate the printer.