
Print a proof print

The proof print is a quick print used for testing the colour rendering of your design without having to waste large amounts of ink.

When you use the Alto effect, the proof print only consists of the colour layers without any elevation.

When you use the Brila effect, the proof print consists of the white undercoat, the colour layers and two layers of varnish ink. Thus, you can also check which areas are covered with varnish ink. The total height of a Brila proof print is 0.03 mm.


If your design consists of large grainy areas, the colour rendering of the proof print may differ from the colour rendering of your final printed output.


  1. Open the PDF file of your design in the RIP.
  2. Change the name of your file in the job properties so it contains the word "Proof", e.g. "ALPS_Proof".
  3. Click on [Print now].